Quick Tip # 4
Lighting - While most DJ's bring 'mood' lighting to an event, security lighting is usually not provided. This is often a concern during school or youth events. So if there are dark spots (usually the corners), then extra attention will need to be paid to those areas by the chaperones.
If there are dark pathways, or other dark areas at your event, you'll need to plan for security/safety lighting for those areas as well.

Burgundy Basin,
Pittsford, NY
General Wedding Facts (and some sorta-funny tidbits)
The average wedding costs between $30,000-$32,000 with each wedding expense having increased about 20% since 2002, and 100% since 1992. There is talk of our government enacting the 401(knot) investment plan for couples as future weddings are projected to cost $127 million each by 2050.
Average Spent on a Wedding Dress: $1,357
Average data plan dollars spent on selfies in gown: $4,572.38
Approximately 2.5 million weddings occur in the United States every year. This is roughly 45,000 weddings each weekend. The average wedding has about 170 guests in attendance who collectively spend $19 billion on gifts. Of which, $18 billion worth of duplicate toasters and microwave ovens are exchanged the following week.
About 80% of all bridal couples pay for part, or all of their wedding out of their own pocket. The rest fund it by selling Beenie Babies on eBay.
The #1 location to get married in the United States is, predictably, Las Vegas with around 115,000 wedding ceremonies a year. But surprisingly, #2 is Gaitlinburg, Tennessee with about 42,000 services per year. Go figure!
'Destination' weddings have increased by 400% over the last 15 years. Destination divorces...not so much.
Up until World War II, platinum was the metal of choice for engagement rings and wedding bands. During the war, platinum was needed for war-related activities. White and yellow gold rings suddenly became popular and the trend has continued to this day. Many grooms are hoping that another world-event requires huge amounts of gold. This would open the door for reviving the long-dormant plastic wedding ring industry.
In the United States, approximately 500,000 trees are processed annually into invitations, menus, wedding programs, and other paper items for weddings. And we all know that the elimination of the little slice of tissue paper in an invitation could save, like....what...3 1/2 trees or so?! Hey, it's a start!
Wedding/Event Tips
Solar landscape lights are wonderful for highlighting walkways, pathways, and points of interest if you're planning on an outdoor nightime event. They're portable and last for hours giving off just enough light to allow you and your guests to safely move about. Plan on charging them up at least a few days in advance in case you have bad weather at the last minute.
It's safe to say that the bride's gown is the most expensive piece of clothing she'll ever purchase. While it's unfortunate that such an expensive and elaborate garment will only be worn once, there is something you can do to get some additional 'mileage' out of it. Have you ever considered 'donating' the gown?
Making Memories (www.bridesagainstbreastcancer.org) accepts used gowns and resells them at their Nationwide Tour of Gowns sales events. The proceeds go to grant final wishes to women and men (yes, men too!) suffering from terminal breast cancer. They accept many other 'formal' attire garments as well. Donations are tax-deductible. See their site for complete details.
Letting balloons go at a wedding used to be very popular. It was later discovered that wild animals were sometimes ingesting the deflated balloon remnants. The helium can still be a part of the ceremony though. Think of how romantic it would be to have all your guests doing their best munchkin imitations while congratulating you in the receiving line.
Vineyard Wedding Tips
- Wineries and Vineyards are quite popular places to hold weddings. Especially here in the Finger Lakes area of NY; where wineries are pretty much lined up one after the other.
Check out Ventosa Vineyards for a wonderful example.
History of Wedding Traditions
- In the past, wedding gowns were not always white. Many years ago, blue was a symbol of 'purity'. Many cultures have never recognized white as a wedding dress color. In Asian cultures, red is often worn. In Norway, brides used to wear green. And in Iceland, black was the color of choice by brides. The Icelanders took the "'till death do you part" thing pretty seriously.
- Iron was used to make rings in ancient Rome as far back as 200 B.C. The iron rings symbolized strength. Although many brides also thought it symbolized 'cheapness' by the groom.
- Long ago, gold was known as the 'metal of the sun' and silver was the 'metal of the moon'. After its discovery, platinum was considered to be the 'metal of heaven' because of it's durability and purity. Not coincidentally, the old-style pull-tab from an aluminum can became known as the 'metal of rednecks'.
- The first use of a diamond 'engagement ring' was in 1477 and was given to Mary of Burgandy by Archduke Maximilian of Hamburg. The first documented 'unsuccessful' use of a non-diamond engagement ring was a few months earlier when Morty of Southwest Hamburg tried to give Helen of Hoboken a cubic zirconia after a nice meal at the local IHOP.
- Diamonds can now be created in a lab. Moissanite is practically perfect and indistinguishable from the one made from mother nature. The only main difference is the cost. But, alas, the grooms should take a lesson from 'Morty' and go with a real one.
- Tradition has it that wearing pearls on your wedding day is bad luck because they represent tears. But interestingly, the amount of tears a groom sheds is directly proportional to the cost of the bride's diamond jewelry. Lesson to be learned?...stick with diamonds. If mama ain't happy, 'everybody' will be crying!
- An Italian tradition is to cover the grille of the couple's car with flowers. It apparently helps 'pave' the road to a happy marriage. It also helps hide the bullet holes.
- Tossing the bouquet is said to bring the newlyweds luck and protection. Let's face it, holding onto a bunch of bug-infested weeds is bad luck for anyone. Might as well pawn it off on someone else.
- The word 'bride' is derived from the Celtic word 'Brigid', which was a goddess in Celtic legend and lore. The goddess then became St. Brigid of Ireland, who bestowed blessings on the brides. The word 'groom' comes from the Piglatin word 'Oom-gray', of St. Oomgray, who was the patron Saint of Flatulence.
- Actual aisle runners were first used when roads and pathways were unpaved and muddy. The runner kept the bottom of the bride's gown from getting dirty. It was then re-used to wrap sides of beef at the local 'Thine Buttcher Shoppe' and to cover the examination table at 'Thou Medeval Docktor Office'...a tradition that carries on to this day.
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